Thursday, February 28, 2008

But there is nothing like that, a voice – you expect it,

and that couldn't be anything other than what it becomes to us and as a sound it wills to me, not frightened, soft. “I love you”, seems to smooth for you and without expectation, this breeze is lit. Drooping, idler, made by dropping and next to you and out and under you. I can feel it more, now, and it comes to me like a memory, and more strongly still. I’m not of the details, correct temporal sequencing is beguiling and not because you are we and them and they feel certain about such things. I would give you more but I can only offer more than I would have given back, moving back to then and the concept of the “same time” and keeping time. We are not sure of the size of boats and the withering reigns that may be holding, and at certain times we may feel the inches and the cool growth of plants and long before that, and the presence of other people, their weathered hands and they have heads with faces and it spreads more quickly than this written creature.

This sequence will be part of a book length poem, that is currently untitled, a forthcoming Winterling Press publication.

Working Notes: This piece of writing is the seventh (I think it will be the seventh) sequence in a long series of sequences that will make up a book length poem. I am really excited about this current project as I feel that it is, so far, a cumulative project and I have imagined myself using a kind of cumulative process for writing for about two years but have not started to write it until quite recently. Sentences are often repeated in later sequences, but return conflated or altered in some way. But in saying this, I cannot claim this work as a procedural piece as I have not always been working progressively in the sense you would expect for a procedural piece of writing. I am not writing the sequences or the sentences within the sequences in order. Some of the later sequences are already written and some earlier sequences are not yet begun. I guess the writing appears quite organic, (I have so far the title pieces for all the sequences, from which my sentences will stem) but it feels to me like "progression" is in fact a result of synthetic decisions I make, at the level of a sentence or a sequence, after having written a particular sentence or sequence.

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